Thursday, June 29, 2023

📦 New Receipt Insights

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We know that many people find major accounting software inefficient when it comes to generating reports. At Receipt-AI, we've always believed in offering valuable insights as a core part of our platform. After talking to many accountants and listening to user feedback, we're excited to introduce our new receipt insights feature in Receipt-AI.

Here are some example receipt data:

Top Visited: Yep kitchen

Receipts Uploaded: 140

Minutes Saved: 238

Total Expensed: $1341960

Receipt-AI New Receipt Insights: The image presents three different charts from Receipt-AI. The top chart is a colorful pie chart showing the percentage distribution of visits to vendors like

With this new feature, whenever a user upload a receipt, our system will automatically analyze the data and generate business statistics just for them. Users will be able to see key information presented in a simple and clear way, helping them gain a better understanding of their company's spending habits and financial patterns.

Our goal is to make receipt management simple and informative. Are there any additional metrics you would like to see?

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A working professional traveling at a client site smiles as he takes a photo of a receipt with his smartphone. He plans to upload the receipt using SMS and Receipt-AI, which is integrated with Xero or QuickBooks, while sitting in a cozy café environment. Indicating the ease of using the app.
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