Sunday, December 17, 2023

Why Receipt-AI works with QuickBooks

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Why Receipt-AI works with QuickBooks: An image showing a tablet with a display of analytics data, including a pie chart and graphs indicating visitor and traffic statistics, resting on a wooden desk next to a pen, a smartphone, and a cup of coffee in the background. This suggests a productive work environment where Receipt-AI can enhance QuickBooks accounting tasks with similar efficiency and organization.

When we decided to integrate Receipt-AI into the QuickBooks store in July, I had no idea if it would work. It wasn’t until last Tuesday that I received a customer phone call from them, we were so excited.

We chose QuickBooks store for Receipt-AI because we wanted to be that taco truck for the late-night crowd. Was it worth four months of work? We don’t know yet.

This is part of the journey: building into the unknown. We are creating opportunities and increasing our odds from the best we know.

90% of startups fail in the first year. If we already know the equation, why not reverse-engineer it?

Update: Since November 3rd, 2023, Receipt-AI has been available in the QuickBooks store.

Visit Receipt-AI on QuickBooks store:

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A working professional traveling at a client site smiles as he takes a photo of a receipt with his smartphone. He plans to upload the receipt using SMS and Receipt-AI, which is integrated with Xero or QuickBooks, while sitting in a cozy café environment. Indicating the ease of using the app.
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